blockchain fork

Fork at 125,000 block


We are moving to the CN turtle algorithm at block 125,000 (approx 9 days) to give us more reinforcement against ASIC attacks and make mining fair again.

With the upgrade there is also a fix for the transaction extra size which should prevent oversized blocks and network bloat. Please update to the latest release ready for the fork, anything earlier than v0.10.0 will soon be cut off from the network;

Pools!!!, I have forked plenteum’s cryptonote pool which is based on the dvandal cryptonote-nodejs-pool and is pretty much what we are using now but with CN turtle support and will auto switch to the new algorithm when the time comes. It should integrate with your current redis DB assuming the same naming conventions are used. (Note: I had to use node 8.11.3)

Leave the following as set; “daemonType”: “plenteum”, “cnAlgorithm”: “cryptonight-turtle-lite”,”cnVariant”: 2,”cnBlobType”: 2,

Miners!!! Mining software can be found here courtesy of TurtleCoin; (Note: CN Turtle will be activated at 125,000 block)

GUI wallets will be updated shortly

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